Website Launch & Project Celebration

February 16, 2021 – on Zoom

Conferences & Presentations

  • Presentation: April 5, 2023. Indigenous research and collaboration; Experiences of the FPPSE. Pedagogical Days, Vanier College, Michelle Smith.
  • Workshop: February 21, 2023. Lessons from the First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange II, Workshop with Academic Advisors at Dawson College. Michelle Smith, Laura Shea.
  • Presentation: January 14, 2022.  A workshop about compassionate pedagogy and using FPPSE resources in your teaching and learning, Intercollegiate Pedagogical Days, Michelle Smith, Laura Shea.
  • Presentation: February 9, 2022. First Peoples Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange: Visions for post-secondary, Dawson College Social Science Week, Michelle Smith, Kahawihson Horne, Alexandrea Matthews.
  • Presentation: September 30, 2022. Orange Shirt Day, McGill University Education Department, Morgan Phillips, Pasha Partridge.
  • Presentation: November 2, 2022. The First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange, English Studies in the 21st Century, Vanier College, Morgan Phillips.
  • Workshop: Novembre 10, 2022. Lessons from the First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange I, Workshop with Academic Advisors at Dawson College. Michelle Smith, Laura Shea.
  • Presentation: March 10, 2021: “Ethics and Participatory Media” with “Mapping Participatory Media”
    Michelle Smith, Pasha Partridge, Morgan Phillips.  Hosted by Liz Miller, Concordia University.
  • Conference: March 12, 2021 – Michelle Smith and Morgan Phillips: McGill University: 19th Annual EGSS (Education Graduate Students’ Society). Digital Stories: Building Communities through indigenous Research and Storytelling.
  • Webinar: March 17, 2021. First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange (FPPSE).  Institut Nordique du Québec, Michelle Smith, Nicole Ives, Sophie Tukalak, Pasha Partridge. 
  • Presentation: Lunchtime Talk: March 26, 2021: Storytelling and Revitalization of Education. Québec Youth Chaire-Midi Causeries  Michelle Smith, Pasha Partridge, Morgan Phillips, Sophie Tukalak.
  • Presentation: April 1, 2021: Experiences in the First Peoples’ Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange, First Peoples Week, Dawson College. Michelle Smith, Kahawihson Horne, Alexandrea Matthews.
  • Presentation:  August 18, 2021, “Dear Teachers: Stories from the First Peoples’ Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange” at Vanier College’s Pedagogical Day, MOTIVATING STUDENTS IN A NEW LEARNING LANDSCAPE, Michelle Smith, Pasha Partridge, Alexandrea Matthews.
  • Presentation: February 3, 2020: Panel Presentation: Concordia University – FIRST VOICES WEEK: Indigenous Education systems: A First Peoples Postsecondary Storytelling Exchange (FPPSE) Dawson College 2016-2020.
  • Presentation: October 24, 2019. Project Update to SSHRC Grant Partners at Dawson College: First Peoples’ Storytelling Exchange: Project Update.
  • Presentation of films: May 22, 2019. Truth & ReconciliACTION: Cégeps & Indigenous Futures Conference at Vanier College.
  • Presentation of films: March 13, 2019. Presentations of films made by FPPSE Participants in collaboration with Our World at the Skawenní:io Library in Kahnawake.
  • Presentation of films: March 23, 2019. Presentations of films made by FPPSE Participants in collaboration with Our World at the  Nasiviik Residence in Kangiqsujuaq, Nunavik.
  • International Conference: May 16-19, 2018. 14th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Indigenous Research Panel: A First Peoples’ Storytelling Exchange: Decolonizing Postsecondary Institutions through Digital Storytelling.
  • International Conference: August 12-15, 2018. 17th International Congress on Circumpolar Health, Copenhagen, Denmark,  Research Team and Inuk postsecondary students. Presentation: First Peoples’ Postsecondary Storytelling Exchange: Intersecting college and community circles.
  • Presentation: November 13, 2018: Presentation of Preliminary Data Analysis to Community Advisory Board, Dawson College.
  • Presentation: Oct 10-12, 2018. Colloque sur la perseverance et la réussite scolaires chez les Premiers Peuples: Cheminer ensemble pour aller plus loin. Montréal, Canada.
  • Presentation: Oct 14-16, 2018. CICan 2018 Indigenous Education Symposium. Wendake, Canada.
  • Presentation of films: April 9, 2018. Presentations of films made by FPPSE Participants in collaboration with Our World at Dawson College.
  • International Conference: June 24-28, 2017. World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE);  Panel: A First Peoples Storytelling Exchange: Intersecting College and Community.
  • Presentation: May 17-18. (Dis)Comfort Zones: Negotiating Tensions and Cultivating Belonging in Diverse College Classrooms in Québec. Vanier College, Montréal.
  • Presentation: June 6-8, 2017. Colloque  de L’Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC)  Concordia University, Montréal.
  • Presentation: Oct 10-12, 2017. Colloque sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires chez les Premiers Peuples Québec, QC.
  • Presentation: September 19, 2017: A First Peoples Storytelling Exchange : Intersecting college and Community Circles: PROJECT UPDATE to Collaborators/Partners, Dawson College.


  • June 21, 2022, Inuit Studies Conference, Winnipeg, MB. “Shining that Bright Light”: Educational Stories of Nunavimmiut. Lucina Gordon, Pasha Partridge, Nicole Ives, Michelle Smith.

  • Shining Our Bright Light: the First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange in Nunavik
    Nov 24, 2022 Jaanimmarik School, Kuujjuaq, Lucina Gordon, Nicole Ives, Michelle Smith.
    November 23, 2022 NV Theatre, Kuujjuaq, Lucina Gordon, Nicole Ives, Michelle Smith.
    October 3, 2022, Nuvviti School, Michelle Smith
    September 30, 2022, Qarjuit Annual General Meeting, Ivujivik, Anna Kristensen, Michelle Smith
    September 23, 2022, Arsaniq School, Kangiqsujuaq, Anna Kristensen, Michelle Smith
  • Aug 2019 Montréal First People’s Festival: Naullaq & Unaaq by Mark Kadjulik, Assimilation 1967 by Vicky Boldo & Just Beyond My Front Door by Kanerahtens Bush
  • August 2019 SMITHSONIAN Native Cinema Showcase (NCS) in Santa Fe, during Santa Fe Indian Market: Just Beyond My Front Door 4:21 minutes by Kanerahtens Bush
  • The Story of Pasha was selected by Lisa Jackson’s for her latest installation TRANSMISSIONS.
  • May 27 Mealy Mountain Collegiate, Goose Bay: May 30-Labrador: Naullaq & Unaaq by Mark Kadjulik, MASKIHKIY by Jackson Coyes, ó:nen í:ke’s Brooke Rice, My Life with Bannock Marlene Hale, Pingualuit – Leena
  • May 22, 2019 Truth & ReconciliACTION: Reimagining CEGEPs for Indigenous Futures. Vanier College, ó:není:ke’s by Brooke Rice, Just Beyond My Front Door by Kanerahtens Bush.
  • Nickel Film Festival-Sheshatshiu Innu School, Sheshatshiu.
  • March 2019 Māoriland Film Festival: The Story of Pasha 2:09 minutes by Pasha Partridge
  • 2019 ImagineNATIVE Film + Video Tour: The Story of Pasha 2:09 minutes by Pasha Partridge, Just Beyond My Front Door 4:21 minutes by Kanerahtens Bush
  • March 2019 SMITHSONIAN Native Cinema Showcase (NCS) in New York – the first time having the event in New York City: Just Beyond My Front Door 4:21 minutes by Kanerahtens Bush
  • Ottawa ON: The Story of Pasha 2:09 minutes by Pasha Partridge, Just Beyond My Front Door 4:21 minutes by Kanerahtens Bush, Assimilation 1967 2:49 minutes by Vicky Boldo
  • Nov 2018 Regent Park Toronto ON: The Story of Pasha 2:09 minutes by Pasha Partridge, Just Beyond My Front Door 4:21 minutes by Kanerahtens Bush
  • Oct 2018 ImagineNATIVE Toronto ON: The Story of Pasha 2:09 minutes by Pasha Partridge, Just Beyond My Front Door 4:21 minutes by Kanerahtens Bush
  • April 2018 Asinabka Ottawa ON: The Story of Pasha 2:09 minutes by Pasha Partridge, Just Beyond My Front Door 4:21 minutes by Kanerahtens Bush, Assimilation 1967 2:49 minutes by Vicky Boldo