
Looking for services in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal)?
If you are a student, a future student, or a family member, here is some useful information about services in the city: counselling, medical, food banks, child care, LGBTQ2S+ supports, legal, sexual assault, domestic violence, family programs and more.
If you or someone you know, are experiencing emotional distress and want to talk, you can call the First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855-242-3310. It’s toll-free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additional wellness resources including urgent assistance are available through the First Nations and Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec (FNISPAQ)
Helpful tips when looking for services:
- Check what services are available through the Indigenous Student Centre or Student Services at your college or university. Most have medical and counselling services and can refer you to other student friendly services in the city.
- Call before you make the trek to a clinic or other service. Information on websites is not always up to date.
- Ask other students and people you trust what services they have used and liked.
CEGEP & University Indigenous Resource Centres
Dawson College First Peoples’ Centre
John Abbott College Indigenous Student Resource Centre
Vanier College A’no:wara Indigenous Student Center
Champlain College Aboriginal Students’ Office
CÉGEP Marie-Victorin RAC for Indigenous Peoples
Concordia Aboriginal Students Resource Center
McGill University First Peoples House
Indigenous Access McGill | School of Social Work – McGill University
UQAM page for Indigenous students and their Facebook group
Cercle des Première Nations de l’Université du Québec à Montréal A student association made up of Indigenous and non-Indigenous members that supports UQAM indigenous students, particularly in their integration into university and urban life.
L’Université de Montréal page for Indigenous students
Salon Uatik des étudiant.e.s autochtones – UdeM
Nunavik Sivunitsavut (NS) available to high school graduates from Nunavik to study at NS. Located at the Avataq Cultural Institute in downtown Montreal, NS offers a one-year program that teaches students about Inuit culture, history, governance, and language.
First Nations Postsecondary Institution Le CEPN est l’association de Premières Nations et de communautés qui poursuivent un but commun en vue de maîtriser entièrement leur éducation.
Pygma Explore all Quebec colleges and resources through an educational information system developed by SRAM (Service régional d’admission du Montréal métropolitain). Its purpose is to assist those interested in college studies to explore programs leading to a Diploma of College Studies (DCS) colleges (public and private) offering those programs in Québec.
Indigenous Organizations in Montreal
Each organization offers various programs and services.
Native Friendship Centre of Montreal Inc. Provides services to the urban Indigenous population of Montreal and their families and is the only comprehensive service and referral point in the Greater Montreal Area (GMA) in relation to health, social services, legal, orientation/information, education, training, and employment referral for those migrating to or through the city including those from across Quebec, Canada, and the Americas.
Native Montreal created by Indigenous people, offers services, advocacy and cultural activities. Its mission is to contribute to the holistic health, cultural strength and success of Indigenous families, individuals, and community living in the Montreal area. They are a member of the national and provincial friendship center movements by becoming members of the RCAAQ and the NAFC.
Resilience Montreal a day shelter open to everyone, providing food and shelter as well as mental health and medical support services and access to a multitude of other resources.
Montreal Indigenous Community NETWORK supports the ecosystem of individuals and groups committed to improving the quality of life of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities living in the greater Montreal area. They are more an advocacy network, than a direct service organization but have great resources on their website, including this Montreal Aboriginal reference Guide: Empowering through employability, training and education.
Inuit Siqinirmiut Quebecmi Ilaujut / Southern Quebec Inuit Association was created to answer the needs of the growing population of Inuit outside of Inuit Nunangat, living mostly in Montreal. SQIA is there to serve all Inuit who live outside their ancestral territories. It is an information hub and place of discussion and sharing of information on issues that are of concern to Southern Quebec including housing, health and justice.
Quebec Native Women Inc. (QNW) The Association supports Aboriginal women in their efforts to better their living conditions through the promotion of nonviolence, justice, equal rights and health. Their offer programs and services for families and youth.
Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal offers support and frontline services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and children to promote their empowerment and independence. (514) 933-4688 Toll Free: 1-866-403-4688
First People’s Justice Centre The Centre is active in supporting Aboriginal people in their dealings with the justice system.
Native Para-Judicial Services of Quebec Assists Indigenous peoples in matters relating to the criminal justice system.
CLE de Verdun – Urban Inuit Devoted especially to the Inuit community, the Ivirtivik project is an employability and skills development initiative for Inuit 18 years and older. The idea for Ivirtivik took root in Verdun, a southern borough of Montreal, and embraces the vision of helping participants to connect to the community through concrete activities that combine their values, talents and preferences.
Projets Autochtones du Québec a non-profit organization based upon social and professional development of First Nations, Metis and Inuit of Quebec territory.
First Nations Human Resources Development Services of Montreal Responsible for administering the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program and the Urban ISET Program, which supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit people living in urban areas across Quebec.
Makivik Corporation ᒪᑭᕝᕕᒃ – Société Makivik An organization mandated to protect the rights, interests and financial compensation for Inuit provided by the 1975 James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, the first comprehensive Inuit land claim in Canada.
Avataq Cultural Institute Inc. The Inuit cultural organization of Nunavik.
First Nations Botanical Gardens 2.5 hectare garden inspired by First Nations and Inuit cultures, offers Indigenous guided cultural activities.
Indigenous School Boards
Kativik Ilisarniliriniq School Board An exclusive Inuit institution with unique powers and jurisdictions that aim to protect, maintain, and develop the Inuit language, culture, and way of life.
Cree School Board To serve and empower Eeyou Istchee Cree as well as to protect language, culture, and traditional pursuits.
First Nations Regional Adult Education Centre (FNRAEC) Committed to providing high quality adult learning environments that focus on culturally relevant student-centered learning in a safe and healthy environment in Kahnawake, Montreal, Gesgapegiag, Kitci Amik, Lac Simon, Listuguj, Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
Kahnawake Education Center (KEC) oversees all programs and services for Kahnawà:ke students attending elementary, secondary, and other post-secondary institutions within the Greater Montreal Area, and provides services to Kahnawà:ke students attending programs and services at post-secondary institutions within Canada and the United States, and beyond.
Medical Services
Universities & Cegeps have medical and mental health services that registered students have access to. This is your best bet at receiving services and/or being referred to an appropriate service.
Info Santé – call 811 to talk to a nurse if you or a family member is not well and you are not sure what to do. Service offered in English and French.
First Nations and Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec & Labrador A non-profit Aboriginal organization contributing to the well-being and balance of the lives of Aboriginal people of Quebec through activities of community awareness, prevention, and education. (514) 933-6066 Toll-free: 1-888-933-6066
Québec Medical Appointment Scheduler You can make an appointment online to see a doctor online.
List of Walk-in Clinics in Montreal
- Call to check opening hours before going to a clinic.
- A valid health insurance card is needed at government clinics.
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch /Quebec Region (514) 283-4774 Toll Free: 1-866-225-0709
Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay – Cree Patient Services Responsible for the administration of health and social services for all persons residing either permanently or temporarily in Montreal.
Youth & LGBTQ2+ friendly community organizations
Head & Hands/ A Deux Main provides medical, counselling, and legal services to youth ages 12-25 and welcome anyone within this age range with or without health insurance. To discuss when to get into the need to call or email to arrange best time for you to go 514-481-0277 or
Project 10 is a meeting place and advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, queer, trans, two-spirit, and questioning youth in Montréal, QC. Through advocacy and education, using a harm reduction approach, Project 10 aims to facilitate the empowerment of (2LGBTQ+) youth and adults 14-25, at individual, community, and institutional levels with a particular emphasis on supporting individuals and groups who experience multiple and intersecting oppressions. Services are free of charge, confidential and anonymous.
Onen’to:kon Treatment Services A trauma-focused, cultural-based program, which incorporates traditional practices of healing, Onen’tó:kon (Under the Pines) Healing Lodge serves native men & women who are over the age of 18 with drug and/or alcohol addictions.
Childcare is an essential service, yet not always easily available for students and families. In Montreal, there are often waiting lists for affordable government subsidized daycare.
It is always a good idea to:
- Check with student services at your educational institution for updated lists of available daycare options.
- Call ahead or check the event page to see if childcare services are being offered by the organizer of any event or activity you want to attend.
Rising Sun Child Care Centre is grounded in Indigenous perspectives of childcare. Their goal is to provide, in partnership with the parents or legal guardian, quality educational programs that promote the holistic growth and development of all children, from birth to 5 years old, either in our centre or in the home environment.
La Place 0-5 lists daycare options and general information about registering your child at a childcare centre: You will need to put your name on a waiting list. Do it when you are still pregnant or when your child is a newborn.
Required documents: your child’s original birth certificate, Medicare card, vaccination booklet, proof of Canadian citizenship for at least one parent (Indian Status card, birth certificate, passport, citizenship card, or permanent resident card).
Quebec Daycare fees and other information
School-aged child daycare before and after school hours All public elementary schools provide care for children between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm and at lunchtime. You will be charged approximately $8.00 per day.
Young Parents Program in N.D.G. a place for parents or parents-to-be under the age of 25 to meet and connect with other parents in a friendly, casual, and inviting atmosphere; a space for parents to share experiences and resources; meets every Wednesday and Friday from 12:00 to 3:30 and includes a free hot lunch at the beginning of each day; offers a wide range of activities, workshops and discussions while your kids join in the childcare program. As a YPP parent you will also have access to free children’s clothing, toys, and accessories. All of the YPP activities are free unless noted, and two bus tickets are available for each parent at the end of every session.
Summer Camps
Camp Iorahkote is a summer day camp run by Native Montreal, a great resource for all kinds of family activities.
Montreal Families lists of camps and other family activities.
Camps in Quebec government listing

Educational Resources
Looking for resources to support you in your process of Indigenizing and decolonizing educational curriculum, pedagogy and institutions? The Intercollegiate Decolonizing Network (IDN) website hosts a compilation of key educational resources and links to useful websites. Visit the IDN facebook page for news updates and more.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of calls to action & recommendations, websites, podcasts, and suggested readings on pedagogy, storytelling, research & ethics, and more.
Indigenous Education Calls to Action & Recommendations
These statements and reports include calls to action and concrete recommendations outlining the necessary changes to education and other institutions required to achieve justice and equity for Indigenous peoples in Quebec and Canada.
Taking Action on Systemic Racism in College Education in Quebec: An Indigenous Focus. Statement on Joyce’s Principle and Viens Commission Calls to Action (January 2021) Intercollegiate Decolonization Network
Truth & Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action In order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation
Joyce’s Principle (November 2020) The Council of the Atikamekw of Manawan (CDAM) and the Council of the Atikamekw Nation (CNA) following the tragic death of Joyce Echaquan at a Quebec hospital – a call to action and commitment to governments to facilitate the transition towards health and social services systems that are safer and free from discrimination for Indigenous people across Quebec
Viens Commission (Sept. 2019) Public Inquiry Commission on relations between Indigenous Peoples and certain public services in Québec
MMIWG National Inquiry Final Report (June 2013) delivers 231 Calls for Justice directed at governments, institutions, social service providers, industries and all Canadians.
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996) Established in 1991, the commission examined the unequal relationships between Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian government, and between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians resulting in 400 recommendations.
Resources to inform Indigenous pedagogy and approaches to research & ethics, including digital content for the classroom and beyond. You will also find links to sites that contain additional educational resources.
Pedagogy & materials for the classroom
Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace Co-founded and co-directed by Jason Edward Lewis and Skawennati, Abtec is an Aboriginally determined research-creation network whose goal is to ensure Indigenous presence in the web pages, online environments, video games, and virtual worlds that comprise cyberspace. Their multi-faceted effort includes artwork, writing, lectures, workshops, residencies, and exhibitions.
Accord on Indigenous Education (2010) Association of Canadian Deans of Education.
Indigenous educational resources for faculty and students Concordia University.
Indigenous Foundations University of British Columbia’s information resource on key topics relating to the histories, politics, and cultures of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. This website was developed to support students in their studies, and to provide instructors, researchers and the broader public with a place to begin exploring topics that relate to Aboriginal peoples, cultures, and histories.
Intercollegiate Decolonization Network (IDN) contains online materials created by Indigenous individuals or organizations, or by organizations that work closely with and that centre Indigenous perspectives. While this board is aimed primarily at educators and students in the anglophone Cégep network local to Tio’tia:ke/Montreal, it is available to anyone.
iPortal University of Saskatchewan’s full-text database of free & licensed articles, books, blogs, podcasts etc. for scholars, students & communities focused primarily on Indigenous peoples of Canada.
Indigenous Storywork The website of Dr. Jo-Ann Archibald (Q’um Xiiem; Sto:lo Nation) This site aims to help educators learn about Indigenous cultures and ways of knowing, predominantly through Indigenous traditional and life-experience stories.
Indigenous Top Ten A free biweekly publication designed to share breaking news, interesting research, best practices, and policy developments regarding First Nations, Métis, and Inuit education in Canada — from elementary and secondary through postsecondary and careers.
Mushkeg Media An Indigenous production company specializing in films and videos about the Native experience, films that deal with contemporary issues facing Canada’s First Nations, their environment, activities, traditions, and their struggle for economic and political autonomy.
National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation The permanent home for all statements, documents, and other materials gathered by the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC). Here are the Calls to Action (TRC 2015).
National Film Board of Canada (NFB) Indigenous Cinema Discover the NFB’s rich online collection of Indigenous-made films.
NFB Inuuvunga – I am Inuk, I am alive In the remote northern town of Inukjuak, Nunavik, 8 Inuit teenagers are given cameras to document their final year of high school. The film chronicles their efforts to learn how to come of age in a rapidly changing culture, while coping with issues like suicide and substance abuse.
Our World Indigenous community & youth driven film workshops that foster creative expression in themes of indigenous culture, language, and life
What I learned in class today. Vancouver, BC: UBC. The project uses new technologies and web-based tools to engage a broad public in a dialogue about having more effective classroom discussions on Indigenous issues.
Working it Out Together (WIOT) video This documentary series of half hour episodes follows Kanien’kehá:ka Olympian and Health Advocate Waneek Horn-Miller on a journey to reclaim well-being and build an Indigenous movement of positive change. Season 3 explores pre-contact, impact of colonization and community responses to issues and topics such as art, dance, family, two-spirited identity, Representation of Indigenous women and more.
Working it out Together (WIOT) an on-line magazine for Contemporary Indigenous Voices. It is a response to the growing wave of consciousness towards Indigenous voices across the country.
Working it out Together (WIOT) lesson plans for senior secondary, cegep and undergrad university level.
LESSON PLAN 1: The Residential School System: Kill the Indian in the child
LESSON PLAN 2: Fashionably Indian: Fetishizing, stereotyping, and appropriating Indigenous traditions
LESSON PLAN 3: Stolen Sisters: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
LESSON PLAN 4: The Land: Mother Nature, Industry and Housing
Note: These lessons deal with difficult topics. Be sure to prepare students in advance and provide access to supports including elders and/or culturally aware mental health services.
See Capacity-building for Discussing Aboriginal Topics in the Classroom.
Research & Ethics
Clayoquot Alliance for Research, Education and Training Protocols Project (2002). Standard of Conduct for Research in Northern Barkley and Clayoquot Sound Communities
Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project KSDPP has developed an extensive code of ethics with participatory research guidelines.
Participatory Research at McGill Researchers working in partnerships with those affected by issues being studied, or those who must use the results, for the purpose of creating and translating knowledge for action or change in health practice or policy, or individual, community or population health.
Understanding the First Nations Principles of OCAP: Our Road Map to Information Governance
National Inuit Strategy on Research (NISR) (2018) identifies areas for partnership and action that can strengthen the impact and effectiveness of Inuit Nunangat research for Inuit.
Podcasts & Radio
Media Indigena – great listing of Indigenous podcasts.
All My Relations explore what it means to be a Native person, to be an Indigenous person is to be engaged in relationships—relationships to land and place, to a people, to non-human relatives, and to one another, and think through Indigeneity in all its complexities.
Coffee With My Ma a series of interviews with Kahn-Tineta Horn, by her daughter, Kaniehtiio Horn. The podcast is loving, heavy, sharp, funny, and brave.
Indigenous Urbanism is a place-based storytelling podcast about the spaces we inhabit, and the community drivers and practitioners who are shaping those environments and decolonising through design.
Métis In Space From a decolonial perspective, Molly Swain & Chelsea Vowel review a sci-fi movie or television episode featuring Indigenous Peoples, tropes & themes.
Native Trailblazers Is a weekly radio program dedicated to showcasing the amazing contributions of Native American, First Nations and all other Indigenous trailblazers all over the world.
Red Man Laughing Ryan McMahon is an Anishinaabe/Metis comedian, writer & actor whose storytelling comedy style is fast paced, loose & irreverent as he explores the good, the bad & the ugly between Indian Country & the mainstream.
Smoke Break aims to casually talk about life in Iqaluit and the Arctic as a whole.
Story-telling / Story-listening: Decolonizing Research through Podcast as Storytelling explores multiple Indigenous and cultural worldviews, sciences, pedagogies and cosmology. By listening to the teachings in this series, we are sharing a space with their voices and honouring pre-colonial oral traditions.
The Henceforward considers relationships between Indigenous Peoples and Black Peoples on Turtle Island and takes an open and honest look at how these relationships can go beyond what has been constructed through settler colonialism and antiblackness and much more.
The Red Road Podcast friends discussing movies, music, being in bands, and life.
The Secret Life of Canada The Secret Life of Canada is a history podcast about the country you know and the stories you don’t.
Think Indigenous a podcast series that highlights the annual conference at Carleton University.
Unreserved is the radio space for Indigenous community, culture, and conversation across Indigenous Canada, introducing listeners to the storytellers, culture makers and community shakers.
Suggested Episodes:
Who Gets to Tell Indigenous Stories
How are you putting reconciliation into action?
Voicing the Circle geared toward themes in the performing arts. It is an Indigenous-led podcast that will have guests from different backgrounds in performing arts.
Warrior Kids Podcast for kids and families that celebrates everything Indigenous to inspire kids of all backgrounds to be warriors for social justice and earth justice and help make the world a better place!
Women Warriors Métis host Shelley Wiart talks with a variety of Indigenous women – academics, writers, artists, entrepreneurs, and more – as they share their failures, successes, and stories of healing so we can learn from each other and build a healthy and vibrant community.
The following PDF document is a list of suggested readings on pedagogy, storytelling and research and ethics.